
Wisconsin has a rich history of defending and preserving its water, air, and natural resources. As governor, combatting climate change is a key priority for my administration.  

The changing climate is impacting the health, safety, and economic well-being of every community in the state. Climate extremes such as tornados, flooding, cold spells, and higher summer temperatures, are becoming more severe and occurring more often. The livelihood of Wisconsin farmers is in danger—extreme and unpredictable weather is having a toll on crops and production. Continued damage and threats to our state’s natural resources will greatly impact our tourism industry and our economy. The costs local governments are accruing to protect and repair infrastructure weighs heavily on communities across the state already under constrained budgets. And most alarming, health professionals have declared the climate crisis one of the biggest threats to our health.  

This crisis calls for bold action, and that’s why I formed the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change. With the help of Lt. Gov. Barnes and a diverse, bipartisan coalition of representatives from agriculture, the business community, Native Nations, utility companies, labor groups, youth, and other industries and communities from across the state, the task force charted a path for Wisconsin to combat climate change and transition to a cleaner, safe, and more equitable state.  

I thank the lieutenant governor and the members of the task force for their good work preparing our Climate Change Task Force report and their advocacy, engagement, and leadership. I also applaud their efforts to prioritize environmental justice as they did, so that communities of color and low-income communities—who too often experience the first and worst consequences of climate change—are part of the conversation and the solution. 

This work is not over—it must continue in the months and years ahead in order to build the future we want for our state. I am confident that, together, we can build on this momentum to achieve our climate goals, protect our natural environment, create good-paying, clean jobs, and ensure a better future for our kids. With your help, we will make this state—and this planet—a place where everyone grows up in safe, clean and thriving communities.  

Governor Tony Evers  ​​

Healthy Communities & A Strong Economy

Land Use & Conservation

Energy, Housing, Infrastructure & Transportation

 Governor's Task Force on Climate Change Report 

 Read or download the full report: High Res (33MB) or Low Res (10 MB) ​​​​​​​​


  • October 2019 -  Executive Order #52 Establishes Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change

  • December 2019 – Member Meeting featuring Climate Science and Environmental Justice

  • March 2020 – Member Meeting featuring Energy, Housing, Infrastructure

  • April – July 2020 – Subcommittee Meetings, Public Comment

  • May 2020 – Member Meeting featuring Agriculture and Forestry

  • June & July 2020 – Virtual Public Listening Sessions, Subcommittee Meetings

  • August 2020 – Subcommittee Meetings, Member Meeting 

  • October 2020 – Member Meeting to Vote on Recommendations ​​

  • October 31, 2020 - Deliver Recommendations to Governor Evers